Book a session or find a class and get ready to reclaim your health and wellness through self-care!
Reiki | Access Bars & Body Process | Card Reading
Let yourself relax into the gentle healing flow of Reiki for any place in your body, physically, mentally, emotionally, spiritually, or situation that asks to be balanced and healed.
Access Bars & Energy Body Process
What is it you’ve always known should be possible that you’ve never been able to find? The Bars® are 32 unique points on the head that correlate to different areas and aspects of life. During an Access Bars or Body session, I gently touch various points to release the electromagnetic charge of all thoughts, ideas, attitudes, decisions, and beliefs that may be limiting you.
Intuitive Card Reading
Intuitive tarot or oracle card readings to give clarity on the present, what your heart is telling you, and possibilities when you follow your knowing.
Meditation | Access Bars | Kundadance
Ready to find the antidote to stress? Learn how to meditate and include it as part of your daily routine to become more present with your kids and everything else! Say goodbye to anxiety, and overwhelm, and hello to more peace and calm! Yes, Please!
Access Bars Practitioner Certification
Easy to learn, inexpensive and hands-on with a fully-trained facilitator guiding you in the technique. By learning & receiving the Access Bars®, you can give yourself, your clients, friends, family, and co-workers the care, kindness, and nurturing required with total ease. Manual and certificate included.
KUNDA is a combination of dance, yoga, tai chi, and qi gong that will take you on a journey through movements that are related to the chakras in your body. Shake away all your fears and insecurities and bring more energy and vibrancy in your life!
Being You | Money | Create More
Stepping Into Being You
This class is based on the book “Being You Changing the World” by Dr. Dain Heer. Being you isn't about getting it right. It's about being the ENERGY of you, whatever that may be in any situation. When you start being you, you stop being the effect of the world around you and you start to create your life and know that any situation is changeable. Contact me to host a class!
How Much Are You Willing To Receive?
This introductory class invites you to release limitations around receiving money. Based on the book “Money isn't the Problem, You Are” by Gary Douglas and Dr. Dain Heer. We will explore and clear the limiting points of view that create your current reality with money, as well as share some life-changing tools. Contact me to host a class!
Create More Time, More Money, More Joy!
Based on the book “Joy of Business” by Simone Milasas. This class is for you if you would like your life, your work, or your business to create something entirely different for yourself and for the planet. Every day when you wake up, you have the choice to create your life or let it be created by the projections of this reality. Contact me to host a class!
Former Student
"A session with Holly was absolutely filled with light and ease! Her energy was so uplifting yet I could feel her work deep in my body, mind and whole being. She was quick to move the energy and gained pure alignment from my toes to the tip of my crown and beyond. The grounding feeling was strong and deep, exactly what I was craving prior to the session. This magnifying change has lasted well over 3 days and the honest insights that followed in our heart-to-heart chat are still ringing in my ears!!! The healing light energetic atonement and lit up essence of manifestation are still swirling around me!!!"
"A session with Holly was absolutely filled with light and ease! Her energy was so uplifting yet I could feel her work deep in my body, mind and whole being. She was quick to move the energy and gained pure alignment from my toes to the tip of my crown and beyond. The grounding feeling was strong and deep, exactly what I was craving prior to the session. This magnifying change has lasted well over 3 days and the honest insights that followed in our heart-to-heart chat are still ringing in my ears!!! The healing light energetic atonement and lit up essence of manifestation are still swirling around me!!!"
In-person sessions are offered in the comfort of your own home or out in nature. It's all about you and I'm here to make sure you feel as comfortable as possible...
In-person group classes are held in various locations to connect with like-minded beings who are as ready as you are to upgrade your life!
Can't always meet in person? Some classes are offered through livestream video and online. Receive a distant Reiki or Symphony Session. Join from wherever you are in the world!
Are you at the crossroads in your life? Start here.
Copyright © 2022 Holly Ruiz LLC. All rights reserved.